Kelantanophobia: Racial profiling or discrimination against people living or originating from the state of Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia.
Rage in Kelantan is so wrong, like it was never happen in other states.
You see why soccer fans in Kelantan put flames on police vehicles? Let me tell you pathetic anti-Kelantanese morons. First, those snobbish non-Kelantanese policemen refuse to learn our customs as you guys see it as ‘kolot (setbacks).’ Second, when something undesired happened, you just ignore our feelings and at the same time insisting us to kiss your dirty asses. Like, when these policemen mistook a wrong person for throwing bottles in the field and they beat the hell outta that innocent guy in front of angry spectators who was dissatisfied with the match result (Kelantan lost 0-1 to Negri). Well, wrong place dude. This is Kelantan. You hurt one, you hurt them all. We backed our guy like he was our own son. We Kelantanese are brothers, don’t ever forget that. Third, they're mindless idiots. I don't really agree for what they've done.
Oh wait, there’s more. The Kelantanophobic mainstream media which famous for their disregard for journalism ethics, reported the otherwise. The weren’t willing to tell the truth because it was Kelantan-related. And, they create a really ridiculous story about it so everybody out there can see that it was really all Kelantanese fault.
We are even face this kinda discrimination in own state. Out of state? I suppose there are uncountable cases of Kelantanophobia.
There’s one policeman, off-duty, just came back from playing badminton happen to be involved in an accident with some local poor bicycler in front of my school in Kota Bharu. Based from his slang, he must be somewhere outta East Coast. Wearing shortpants, he yelled the hell outta that bicycler, “You Kelantanese don’t even know how to ride a bicycle?” Guess what, Kelantan was to blame.
These policemen better work at their own places. Their places aren’t really safe. Homicides, robberies and other felonies rates are off the roof! If you don’t feel like to get along with Kelantanese, then fuck off.
To make Kelantanophobia worse, a film titled 'Budak Kelantan' was produced portraying a Kelantanese guy doing vices in KL. I even wonder why these director, rookie actors & actresses from Kelantan were willing to make and act in this film. I also wonder why the director of this film wanna put 'Kelantan' in its title. Were their mind out of ideas? In KL, only two species get blamed for wrongdoings: Indonesians and KELANTANESE!
Everything happens for reasons. Why outsiders have this 'sickness'?
Reason One: Because they considered Kelantanese is 'assobiyyah' (term religious idiots usually tend to use).
Explanation: Have you anti-Kelantanese idiots read one of Prophet’s Hadith: "Assobiyyah is helping your own race to cause oppression."
And of course, ages ago, Kelantan is one Malay state isolated from another. All Malay state in Malaysia are connected to each other. Kelantan? In order to reach this state, you gotta cross a heavy jungle and not less than two mountain ranges. Well idiots, when I say isolated, that doesn’t mean that we were living on trees. That’s why we stick to each other; better off be with our own type. But, it doesn’t mean that we hate others. We call it ukhwah - something you non-Kelantanese don’t have.
And perhaps, it has to do with some history. Before, the was two governments in Kelantan. One in Pengkalan Datu and one in Kota Kubang Labu. Of course, they were often fight each other. But, we have something you useless freaks anti-Kelantanese don’t have: Ulama (religious scholars). We appreciate ulama so much that they really play their role in our society. But, you guys disgrace your own ulama. These ulama didn’t like the duel between two governments so they prayed to God so that Kelantanese will unite as one. And, voila! God answered it. That’s why we get along with our own colors until now. I suggest you guys read a book published by Kelantan Islamic Foundation (YIK): Tatarakyat I & Tatarakyat II. Only if you can read in jawi!
Reason Two: Because people of Kelantan have chosen PAS as government. Outsiders considered them as idiots because denying development by voting yes to PAS. But guess what, you anti-Kelantanese are so damn wrong. We have proven that we don’t need UMNO to be developed. You morons still afraid to vote other than UMNO. UMNO has stripped all Malay prerogatives without you even realize it.
Reason Three: No development in Kelantan. Most outsiders think we are underdeveloped. Thus, we are assumed physically and mentally retarded. Oh wait, Tan Sri Annuar Musa last two years in State Assembly had admitted that development in Kelantan is damn slow because of some evil backstabbing bureaucrats in Federal Government try to stop it, as claimed by Tok Pa. Even this shitty government doesn’t wanna channel money to State Government. Instead, they channeled it through Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan (Department of Federal Development) - a dirty organization full of corruptions.
Reason Four: Kelantan's dirty and Kelantanese have no regard towards hygiene.
The former Deputy Dean of Admission & Records of IIUM Matriculation Center during Abbas Hassan's reign loved to use this point to verbally 'attack' Kelantanese. Surprisingly, his wife is from the state! Yeah, Kelantan was dirty. It was. I repeat, IT WAS! Like Tok Guru Ayah Zik donno how to educate his people about cleanliness.
Last Reason: Overprotective idiotic anti-Kelantanese parents always say this, “Don’t marry guys from Kelantan. They are god damned lazy.”
Explanation: We are not lazy. Let me quote something.
There’s another, of course Kelantanese guys don’t help our wives (of Kelantanese origin) because they capable of taking care of household. They cook delicious foods. Why need to bother them? Why need to interfere with their work? If we’re about to help them in kitchen, they just said, “Honey, just sit back and relax. There’s no need to make your hand dirty.” Kelantanese women are so diligent; that’s why they excel in business unlike non-Kelantanese women who don’t even know how to cook until they’re divorced by their husband. Kelantan boasts for having low divorce rate in the country. And Kelantan women are also good in their studies as well. Salute to Siti Fatimah and Nur Madihah for two-years streak winning the best SPM student in Malaysia.
If it wasn’t for Kelantanese, none of us would represent Malays in business. Malays from other states are good for nothing.
*spelled as it is
Rage in Kelantan is so wrong, like it was never happen in other states.
You see why soccer fans in Kelantan put flames on police vehicles? Let me tell you pathetic anti-Kelantanese morons. First, those snobbish non-Kelantanese policemen refuse to learn our customs as you guys see it as ‘kolot (setbacks).’ Second, when something undesired happened, you just ignore our feelings and at the same time insisting us to kiss your dirty asses. Like, when these policemen mistook a wrong person for throwing bottles in the field and they beat the hell outta that innocent guy in front of angry spectators who was dissatisfied with the match result (Kelantan lost 0-1 to Negri). Well, wrong place dude. This is Kelantan. You hurt one, you hurt them all. We backed our guy like he was our own son. We Kelantanese are brothers, don’t ever forget that. Third, they're mindless idiots. I don't really agree for what they've done.
Oh wait, there’s more. The Kelantanophobic mainstream media which famous for their disregard for journalism ethics, reported the otherwise. The weren’t willing to tell the truth because it was Kelantan-related. And, they create a really ridiculous story about it so everybody out there can see that it was really all Kelantanese fault.
We are even face this kinda discrimination in own state. Out of state? I suppose there are uncountable cases of Kelantanophobia.
There’s one policeman, off-duty, just came back from playing badminton happen to be involved in an accident with some local poor bicycler in front of my school in Kota Bharu. Based from his slang, he must be somewhere outta East Coast. Wearing shortpants, he yelled the hell outta that bicycler, “You Kelantanese don’t even know how to ride a bicycle?” Guess what, Kelantan was to blame.
These policemen better work at their own places. Their places aren’t really safe. Homicides, robberies and other felonies rates are off the roof! If you don’t feel like to get along with Kelantanese, then fuck off.
To make Kelantanophobia worse, a film titled 'Budak Kelantan' was produced portraying a Kelantanese guy doing vices in KL. I even wonder why these director, rookie actors & actresses from Kelantan were willing to make and act in this film. I also wonder why the director of this film wanna put 'Kelantan' in its title. Were their mind out of ideas? In KL, only two species get blamed for wrongdoings: Indonesians and KELANTANESE!
Everything happens for reasons. Why outsiders have this 'sickness'?
Reason One: Because they considered Kelantanese is 'assobiyyah' (term religious idiots usually tend to use).
Explanation: Have you anti-Kelantanese idiots read one of Prophet’s Hadith: "Assobiyyah is helping your own race to cause oppression."
And of course, ages ago, Kelantan is one Malay state isolated from another. All Malay state in Malaysia are connected to each other. Kelantan? In order to reach this state, you gotta cross a heavy jungle and not less than two mountain ranges. Well idiots, when I say isolated, that doesn’t mean that we were living on trees. That’s why we stick to each other; better off be with our own type. But, it doesn’t mean that we hate others. We call it ukhwah - something you non-Kelantanese don’t have.
And perhaps, it has to do with some history. Before, the was two governments in Kelantan. One in Pengkalan Datu and one in Kota Kubang Labu. Of course, they were often fight each other. But, we have something you useless freaks anti-Kelantanese don’t have: Ulama (religious scholars). We appreciate ulama so much that they really play their role in our society. But, you guys disgrace your own ulama. These ulama didn’t like the duel between two governments so they prayed to God so that Kelantanese will unite as one. And, voila! God answered it. That’s why we get along with our own colors until now. I suggest you guys read a book published by Kelantan Islamic Foundation (YIK): Tatarakyat I & Tatarakyat II. Only if you can read in jawi!
Reason Two: Because people of Kelantan have chosen PAS as government. Outsiders considered them as idiots because denying development by voting yes to PAS. But guess what, you anti-Kelantanese are so damn wrong. We have proven that we don’t need UMNO to be developed. You morons still afraid to vote other than UMNO. UMNO has stripped all Malay prerogatives without you even realize it.
Reason Three: No development in Kelantan. Most outsiders think we are underdeveloped. Thus, we are assumed physically and mentally retarded. Oh wait, Tan Sri Annuar Musa last two years in State Assembly had admitted that development in Kelantan is damn slow because of some evil backstabbing bureaucrats in Federal Government try to stop it, as claimed by Tok Pa. Even this shitty government doesn’t wanna channel money to State Government. Instead, they channeled it through Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan (Department of Federal Development) - a dirty organization full of corruptions.
Reason Four: Kelantan's dirty and Kelantanese have no regard towards hygiene.
The former Deputy Dean of Admission & Records of IIUM Matriculation Center during Abbas Hassan's reign loved to use this point to verbally 'attack' Kelantanese. Surprisingly, his wife is from the state! Yeah, Kelantan was dirty. It was. I repeat, IT WAS! Like Tok Guru Ayah Zik donno how to educate his people about cleanliness.
Last Reason: Overprotective idiotic anti-Kelantanese parents always say this, “Don’t marry guys from Kelantan. They are god damned lazy.”
Explanation: We are not lazy. Let me quote something.
“True, the Malay will often decline to work in the particular manner in which the Europeans desires him to do so, that is as a mining cooly or plantation hand in the service of the said European, but the Malay is by no means an idle person. In Kelantan, he grows the seventy thousand odd tons of rice which feed the population, he catches and dries fish enough for home consumption and for considerable export, he makes some forty thousand pikuls of kopra every year, he works boats on the river, and, in fact, he makes a very comfortable living, supplies all his wants, and is contented.”
-Sir Henry Norman, from his book, 'The Peoples* and Politics of the Far East.' Chapter XXXIII: "On A Raft Through A Forbidden State."
There’s another, of course Kelantanese guys don’t help our wives (of Kelantanese origin) because they capable of taking care of household. They cook delicious foods. Why need to bother them? Why need to interfere with their work? If we’re about to help them in kitchen, they just said, “Honey, just sit back and relax. There’s no need to make your hand dirty.” Kelantanese women are so diligent; that’s why they excel in business unlike non-Kelantanese women who don’t even know how to cook until they’re divorced by their husband. Kelantan boasts for having low divorce rate in the country. And Kelantan women are also good in their studies as well. Salute to Siti Fatimah and Nur Madihah for two-years streak winning the best SPM student in Malaysia.
If it wasn’t for Kelantanese, none of us would represent Malays in business. Malays from other states are good for nothing.
*spelled as it is
wah...what a good english. :)