Saturday, January 23, 2010


People love to sue physicians’ asses. Physicians suck that they can never meet the patients’ requirement.

Well, from my point of view, both parties are at fault.

First, doctors, when they’re still undergrads, they didn’t respect much the profession. They didn’t give a damn thing about studies and all they care was taking pictures with cadaver or ‘playing doctors’ with patients before upload it into facebook and tell the world how cool it was. But, they didn’t realize that it was a breach of ethics and physician-patient confidentiality. Even cadavers deserve to be treated with respect and dignity; not to be taken picture of it with finger ‘peace’ gesture. Consequently, some lousy group of doctors, err I mean quacks is born.

Second, patients, if their doctors made a little mistake, it was a worldly crisis. They hurriedly call their lawyers to make a living hell for such physicians. But, hey, here’s a thought. Have you ever wonder that there are many doctors out there who accidentally contracted hospital-borne diseases (we often referred it as nosocomial infection) such as MRSA, AIDS, TB, Hep B, C, any letter you name it, from their patients during the treatment and they didn’t even summon their patients to justice ?


So people, please, act fairly and be fair. 

Oh wait, what did I just said? 

This life is never fair.

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